Clevertim Blog New feature: view & undo batch imports

New feature: view & undo batch imports

When you import contacts from a vCard or a csv file, it’s desirable to be able to see just the contacts & companies imported in that batch. In addition, sometimes you make mistakes, you upload the wrong file, you upload it with the wrong visibility and so on. To help out in this scenario, we’ve added a feature to do just that:

  • View the batch imports, by date, user, file name
  • View how many contacts and companies were uploaded in that batch
  • Easily filter the contacts & companies to show you only the entries uploaded in that batch
  • Undo a batch – it deletes the customers & companies uploaded in that batch

Where is it: in the Contacts tab.

How does it look like? Voilà:



Clicking on the links takes you to the 17 contacts and 17 companies respectively uploaded in the batch.

Clicking the X in the corner will undo the batch by deleting the contacts and companies uploaded in the batch. It’s worth to note that the batch can update some contacts and companies – if duplicates are detected. The updated contacts and companies will not be deleted when you undo the batch, only the newly added contacts and companies will be deleted. The rationale is that the existing contacts and companies were there before the batch, so undoing the batch should not affect them.

Please let us know what you think!

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