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5 steps to implementing an effective email marketing campaign

5 steps to implementing an effective email marketing campaign post thumbnail image

After building an email marketing plan, businesses need to deploy an email marketing campaign successfully. Let’s learn about instructions on how to deploy an effective email marketing campaign in the article below.

What is email marketing?

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a form of marketing through email (email) to reach potential customers & customers to promote and introduce products/services. Or we can briefly understand that email marketing is using email to promote products or services.

Email marketing is considered a form of direct marketing and digital marketing that helps businesses promote their services and products.

Email marketing plays an important role in marketing strategies to help businesses gain more potential customers, brand awareness as well as build relationships and retain customers.

Instructions on how to deploy an effective email marketing campaign

After building an email marketing plan, marketers need to implement an email marketing campaign methodically and effectively. So how to deploy an email marketing campaign to help achieve the goals of increasing brand awareness, nurturing customers, increasing conversion rates and sales revenue?

In general, instructions on how to deploy an effective email marketing campaign include the following 5 main steps.

Step 1: Identify target customers

The first step in implementing an effective email marketing campaign is to identify your target customers.

Effectively identifying target customers helps businesses better understand customers, thereby deploying appropriate email marketing campaigns to optimize conversions and increase profits.

Step 1: Identify target customers

In general, businesses can apply the following 5 ways to effectively analyze and identify their target customers.

1. Identify target customers by drawing customer portraits

The first way to analyze target customers is to draw a portrait of the customer the business is aiming for.

A buyer persona is a profile of an ideal customer that includes information such as demographics, interests, behavioral characteristics and factors that determine the subject’s purchase.

2. Identify target customers by researching the target market

Market research is also an effective way to help businesses analyze their target customers.

When researching the market, businesses can answer questions such as: What do customers need, what improvements do they want for products/services, how satisfied are customers when using the product? products/services or common problems of target customers.

3. Identify target customers by researching your business’s current customers

Researching current customers is essential for businesses to better understand customers, thereby finding out what they have in common and what problems they often encounter.

Determine which common points bring the most profit to your business and marketing campaign. It is likely that other customers also have things in common with the business’s existing customer group.

4. Identify target customers by researching target market segments

To understand your target customers better, businesses can research the target market segments they target.

5. Identify target customers by understanding competitors

Learning about competitors also helps businesses analyze their target customers effectively.

By analyzing competitors, businesses can understand why customers choose to use competitors’ products instead of using the products they provide. What are the superior features of your competitors’ products that can attract target customers to what they like about your competitors’ products? Understanding competitors will also help businesses better understand their target customers.

Do you know how to find customer’s email? Scraping is a way to do it, if you want to know how to scrape email form website, go to the link to find out.

Step 2: Write an attractive email subject line

The next step in the guide to implementing an effective email marketing campaign is to write an attractive email subject line

Whether or not the rate of customers opening an email is high depends largely on how the email title is set. If a business’s email subject line can successfully attract customers, the email open rate will also be higher. So how can you write effective email subject lines to increase email open rates?

Create urgency, take advantage of the FOMO psychological effect

As for how to put an attractive email subject line, the psychological effect of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), which can be understood as “Fear of missing out on something”, can be applied effectively.

This is the fear when a person misses out on the interesting and interesting things in life that others have the opportunity to experience. This effect also makes the person feel anxious when people around them are having more joyful and happier experiences than themselves.

Personalize email subject lines

Another effective way to set email subject lines is to use subject personalization so that businesses can become closer to customers.

When personalizing email titles, readers will be more likely to pay attention to your business’s emails than other titles that are not personalized, because customers will certainly be attracted to things that have a connection. more with myself.

So how to personalize email subject lines?

CleverTim CRM provides tools to help Marketers personalize email subject lines with information fields such as full name, address, company name… easily, thereby helping to increase the rate of emails entering the Inbox, creating an impression. and experience close to customers, increase email open rates and improve conversion efficiency.

The email subject line gets straight to the point

Making the email subject line short and straight to the point is also an effective way to write an effective marketing email subject line. It’s not necessary to try to grab headlines when setting the email subject line, but go straight to the information the business wants to convey to customers.

The strange thing is that these seemingly “boring” email subject lines have the highest new rate. With 40 million emails sent, 60-87% of people will open the email, according to a survey by Business newspaper. Insider.

Step 3: Write effective email content

To deploy a successful email marketing campaign, businesses also need to write effective email content.

Step 3: Write effective email content

When writing email content, businesses need to keep in mind the following:

The style of email marketing content is suitable for target customers
Each business will target different customers, and each customer will have different demographic characteristics, interests, behaviors and psychology.

Therefore, the way to write effective email marketing content is to understand target customers and build customer portraits.

Personalize email marketing content

Once you have identified your target customer profile, businesses can personalize email marketing content to match their customer profile to attract them.

Just like personalizing email titles, personalizing email content is also an effective way to write email marketing to increase conversion rates.

Personalizing email content will help businesses create a connection with customers. When personalizing email marketing content, customers will feel that the email is sent specifically to them and not sent to many people in bulk.

However, how can businesses save time and effort on manual tasks when sending emails to many customers, while still quickly personalizing content for each customer? and effective?

Step 4: Choose the appropriate email marketing software

The next step in the email marketing planning guide is choosing email marketing software.

Email marketing software is developed to help businesses reduce manual tasks when implementing email marketing, helping businesses reach and attract potential customers effectively. Choosing the right email marketing software is also an important step when businesses plan their email marketing.

So which email marketing software is best? Which email marketing software is suitable for your business?

CleverTim CRM – The best email marketing software

When implementing email marketing campaigns, marketers will often have to send emails to large data files to send mass emails to potential customers. To improve conversion rates, marketers will often want to personalize email content sent to customers and set up customer care scenarios (workflow). Or after sending emails, marketers need to monitor the effectiveness of email shots by measuring indicators such as successful delivery rate, open rate, click rate from there to adjust and optimize the campaign. email.

The CleverTim CRM email marketing tool can meet all of the above requirements of marketers from email design to content personalization, building a nurturing email flow and measuring the effectiveness of campaigns.

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