Clevertim Blog Best 5 Task Automation Software Open Source In 2024

Best 5 Task Automation Software Open Source In 2024

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Task Automation Software Open Source helps automate your tasks, thereby saving you a lot of time and money. These programs can especially be modified to suit your needs. Suitable for your specific needs and those of businesses in many different fields.

In this article, I will introduce you to the top 5 free open source task automation options. In it, I will explain how to operate, main features, pros and cons of each software. From there, you can review and choose the tool that best suits the needs, field and business scale of your group, organization, or company.

What Are Open Source Task Automation Tools?

What Are Open Source Task Automation Tools?

Open source automation tools are like free software programs that can do things automatically for you. These programs are built together by a bunch of developers and anyone can use them for free.

Some popular free task automation software open source tools include Apache Airflow, Apache Tavern, jBPM, Camunda, and ProcessMaker. These tools can automate many things involved in building and running software. They can automate checking and releasing software, and also boring computer setup tasks.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Task Automation Software Open Source?

Picking the right task automation software open source for your team is important. Here are 5 things to think about:

  • Easy to Use: The program should be easy to learn and use, even for people who aren’t tech experts. Your team should be able to understand it quickly.
  • Grows with You: As your company gets bigger and you have more work to do, the software should be able to handle it.
  • Connects with Everything: The software should work well with the programs you already use, so information can flow easily between them. This can save time and make things less complicated.
  • Helpful Community: Look for software that has a lot of users who are happy to help and answer questions. This can be a great resource for troubleshooting and learning new things.
  • Easy to Set Up: The software shouldn’t be too difficult to install and get started with. You should be able to customize it to fit your specific needs without needing a ton of technical knowledge.

If you consider these things, you’ll be able to choose the best open-source workflow software for your team.

Among open-source workflow options like Apache Airflow, Apache Taverna, jBPM, Camunda, and ProcessMaker, Nected is particularly user-friendly. It’s easy to set up and works well with many different programs. This makes it a good choice for teams who want a simple and effective way to manage their workflows.

Best 5 Task Automation Software Open Source

Below are the best 5 free task automation software open source that I want to share for you today. Let’s explore with me!

Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is a free and powerful task automation software open source that lets you set up automatic tasks for your computer. Imagine you have a bunch of steps you do all the time – Airflow can automate those for you!


  • Easy to Code In: Airflow uses regular Python code, which is a common programming language. This means you can customize your tasks exactly how you need them.
  • Great Interface: Airflow has a modern and easy-to-use website where you can see how your tasks are doing and if they’re finished. No need for complicated tools.
  • Works with Many Programs: Airflow connects easily with other programs you might already use, like Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services.
  • Anyone with Python Knowledge: If you know a little bit of Python, you can start using Airflow. It’s not limited to just one kind of task – you can use it to build programs, move data around, manage your computers, and more.
  • Free and Helpful Community: Airflow is free to use and there are a lot of people online who can help you with it. You can share improvements you make and learn from others.

Apache Tavern

Apache Tavern

Apache Taverna (previously called Taverna Workbench) is a free, open source task automation tool that helps scientists build and run automated tasks that involve data. Think of it like a recipe book for your computer, but instead of cooking instructions, it has instructions for handling scientific data.

Here’s why scientists like Taverna:

  • Made for Science: Taverna is specifically designed to handle the kind of tasks scientists do with data. It can handle complex steps and different types of data.
  • Works with Many Programs: Taverna can connect to many different tools and services scientists already use, making it easy to fit into their existing workflow.
  • Tracks the Steps: Taverna can keep track of all the steps involved in a task, which is important for scientists to make sure their results are accurate.
  • Lots of Help Online: There’s a big community of scientists and programmers who use Taverna, so there are a lot of people online who can help with any questions.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: Taverna might be a bit complex for beginners because it’s designed for science-related tasks.
  • Learning for Scientists: Even for scientists, there might be some new things to learn about how Taverna works, especially if they’re not familiar with building automated tasks.



jBPM is a strong task automation software open source that helps you automate how things are done in your business. Imagine you have a set of steps you follow for different tasks – jBPM can automate those steps for you, making things faster and easier.

Main Features:

  • Easy to Use with Java: jBPM is built on Java, a common computer language. This makes it compatible with many different computer systems.
  • Lightweight and Flexible: jBPM is designed to be simple and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business.
  • Up-to-Date: jBPM follows the latest standards for workflow management, so you know it’s using the best practices.
  • See Your Workflow: jBPM lets you create a visual map of your business tasks, so you can easily see how everything fits together.
  • Works with Other Tools: jBPM can connect with other programs you might already use in your business.


  • Free to Use and Change: Anyone can use and improve jBPM because it’s free.
  • Flexible for Many Businesses: jBPM can handle many different tasks and works well in a variety of industries.
  • Can Grow with Your Business: As your business gets bigger and more complex, jBPM can handle it.


  • Might need some computer skills: Setting up jBPM might require some technical knowledge.
  • Not the Easiest Interface: The way you interact with jBPM might not be as user-friendly as some other workflow tools.



Camunda is a free software that helps you design, automate, and improve the way things are done in your business, no matter how big or small your business is.


  • Automate Everything: Camunda lets you automate all the steps in your business workflows, from start to finish.
  • Works with Many Programs: Camunda can connect with different programming languages and other tools you might already use in your business.
  • Standardized: Camunda follows common standards so people in your business can easily understand and work with your workflows.
  • Flexible and Open: Camunda can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of your business and works well with other computer systems.
  • Easy to Monitor and Improve: Camunda provides additional tools to track your workflows, manage tasks, and make them even better.



Chef is a free tool that helps you automate tasks for your computers and network devices, like routers and switches. Imagine you have a bunch of repetitive tasks you do for your computers – Chef can automate those for you! Here’s how it works:

  • Special Instructions: Chef uses its own special set of instructions, like a special computer language.
  • Works Anywhere: Chef can automate tasks on your computers in the office, at home, or even in the cloud.
  • Keeps Things Consistent: Chef makes sure all your computers and devices are set up the same way, no matter where they are. This makes it easier to manage them and avoid errors.
  • Easy to Update: Chef uses “recipes” and “cookbooks” to store instructions, so it’s easy to make changes and keep everything up-to-date.
  • Two Parts Working Together: Chef uses two main parts:

A central location to store instructions and information about your devices.

An app on each device that follows the instructions. This way, the devices don’t need a lot of power to run Chef.


  • Saves you time by automating tasks
  • Ensures consistency across your devices
  • Makes it easier to manage your network

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